Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | «L’umanesimo della parola»
Capitolo | La Bibbia in bresciano di Achille Platto: da Caino al Calvario

La Bibbia in bresciano di Achille Platto: da Caino al Calvario


Poetry in Brescian dialect has flourished in recent decades. Among the authors, Achille Platto stands out for his originality. In the various poems collected in the volume Bibbiù Platto moves from a light-hearted rewriting of the Old Testament in a peasant key to more complex tones, partly redeeming the figure of Cain and arriving at a tragic register that is never rhetorical in the Passion, comparable to the venerable Passiù in the fourteenth century Brescian vernacular or to the expressionistic sculpture of Beniamino Simoni’s Via crucis camuna. The essay follows this path, which will lead to the dramatic masterpiece of Aqua trobia (1998), the poet's sorrowful and vibrant protest against an absent or indifferent God.

Open access

Presentato: 07 Settembre 2022 | Pubblicato 02 Maggio 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords Brescian dialectBiblePoetry20th centuryCainPassionAchille Platto

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