Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | «L’umanesimo della parola»
Capitolo | Poliziano e gli scolii esiodei

Poliziano e gli scolii esiodei

Note di studio sullo zibaldone Cgm 182


Among the numerous notes Poliziano extracted from medieval both Greek and Latin manuscripts, only a small part is edited nowadays. One of the richest and best preserved is the Munich zibaldone Cgm 182, which contains various excerpts from Greek classics. The purpose of this paper is to offer a new proposal of dating (part of) this manuscript and a brief analysis of Poliziano’s style in copying and translating Greek texts in the section containing a selection from the scholia to Hesiod’s works.

Open access

Presentato: 29 Settembre 2022 | Pubblicato 02 Maggio 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords RenaissanceZibaldoneScholia to HesiodHistory of Classical ScholarshipAngelo PolizianoHesiodCgm 182Munich State Library

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