Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Geométrica explosión
Capitolo | El cuento de nunca acabarVisión de Nueva York de Carmen Martín Gaite

El cuento de nunca acabarVisión de Nueva York de Carmen Martín Gaite


In the collages of her notebook Visión de Nueva York, which Carmen Martín Gaite made in New York in the fall of 1980, some compositions are a visual diary of the manuscript El cuento de nunca acabar, a metanarrative essay that the author was trying to finish among many doubts. Based on the recent hermeneutics of image, the intersemiotic relationships between the visual texts of some collages and the verbal text of the manuscript will be analysed. The medium of the collage, which is mounted with images coming from destroyed surfaces, needs a metavisual language in order to interpret its syntax of the fragment. It is a syntax similar to the structure of the manuscript de El cuento de nunca acabar. There is an iconic analogy between these collages and the literary subject that the author was deeply meditating: the difficulty of communicating the wholeness of experience through the order of verbal representations, always incompletes.

Open access

Lingua: it

Keywords Carmen Martín GaiteSpanish novelPainting

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