La concordancia en las primeras gramáticas del español para italianos
In Spanish, the grammatization process of Agreement begins with Nebrija’s Grammar on the Castellan language. Following a certain Latin grammatical tradition, which involves rhetorical aspects, the rules of the Agreement include the description of forms of language ornamentation, which legitimated the production of discordant texts. Consequently, right from the beginning, the aforementioned grammatization process is determined by two coexisting factors: on the one hand, the general rules of Agreement, on the other, the contexts that do not accomplish these rules. From a grammaticographic point of view, this grammatization process can be seen as historically complex, since, if on one side the description of the contexts where Agreement is alternating has notably enriched, on the other side this topic has disappeared as the subject of an autonomous chapter in the most recent academic grammar.
Keywords: Agreement • Grammars • Spanish as foreign language