Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Geométrica explosión
Capitolo | La reduplicación léxica como mecanismo de estrechamiento de conceptos

La reduplicación léxica como mecanismo de estrechamiento de conceptos


In order to analyse creative total reduplication through the conceptual tools of metaoperational grammar a particular framework can be proposed. In this proposal, total reduplication constitutes a systematic procedure for narrowing the concept encoded by the duplicated word. From the point of view of Adamczewski’s system of phases, reduplication should be placed under phase 2, distinctly characterised by metalinguistic dimension of language. Strong contextual and usage dependence of meaning, as proposed by Wittgenstein, fits in well with metaoperational grammar’s core idea, which restrains what is actually coded in language, and accounts for a phenomenom which has been studied up to date by lexical pragmatics works.    

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Lingua: it

Keywords Metaoperational grammarLexical reduplicationNarrowing

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