Venezia Arti Rivista del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Rivista | Venezia Arti
Fascicolo monografico | 26 | 2017
Articolo | «De Zavatarijs hanc ornavere capellam»

«De Zavatarijs hanc ornavere capellam»

Precisazioni storiche sull’epigrafe nella cappella di Teodolinda alla luce degli interventi di restauro


The fresco cycle narrating Stories from the Life of Queen Theodelinda, dated and signed with the elegant epigraph in Latin hexameters in the chapel of the same name in the cathedral at Monza – the ancient chapel of San Vincenzo – has, together with the painted vaulted ceiling of the chapel, undergone a major restoration, begun in May 2009 and terminated in December 2014. In the light of the information and details that emerged as the work proceeded, it is possible today to take up once more, with the data in hand, the vexata quaestio of the chronology of the 45 scenes composing the cycle and following one another along the five painted registers of the chapel, clarifying the role of the inscription made by the Zavattari on the fourth and last but one pictorial register in relation to the only commissioning document discovered so far, dated 10 March 1445.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 17 Luglio 2017 | Accettato: 21 Settembre 2017 | Pubblicato 20 Dicembre 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords Cathedral at MonzaSignatureStories of TheodelindaInscriptionZavattari

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