Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale

Rivista | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale
Fascicolo | 49 | 2015

49 | 2015

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords ShoahEncyclopédieSylvie and BrunoInflected constructionSonnetsDark LadyTV seriesSyntaxScene-settingArgument StructureChildren and young adults literatureRejection of Western societyWalter BenjaminCaribbean and Indian OceanRussophobiaScience fictionCuban literatureProtocol linguisticsDon DeLillo’s shortest novelInformation structureRomePresentation strategies‘New Mythology’Octavo NotebooksAlice’s adventures in WonderlandAltered states of consciousnessSinyavskyStratanovskyVirgilio PiñeraBody and timeLiterary narrativesScientistsEveryday lifeRussian orientalismExtermination as a «place of non-existence»Enlightenment critique on the principle of ‘autoriShakespeareFunctional verbsDiderot’s first dramaAndrei Belyi’s ‘African’ lettersVerbal imitations of snapshotsRelationship between ‘life’ and ‘writing’Null subjectPhotography as narrative techniqueFile-cardRelationship between topography and literatureThrough the Looking GlassPhilosophical subversionGenetic approach to the textLatinHealth professionsReal-life concern for traumatic mourningRussianFictional depictions of gossipSicilian dialectsNeurology and psychiatryHidden dimensions of the mindVesuvius‘Philosophy of life’Construction of identityCreole languagesThe early Philosophical TransactionsTopicSocial media gossipingAuthoritarian logic of the old political and sociaPro-dropTime as spatial dimensionFrench coloniesConservative thoughtAutobiographical narrativeTranslations from English to ItalianDeponentsCatechismsVictorian psychiatric reformEtnaInterfaceAlienationExperimental writingVirginia Woolf’s interest in photographyFriedrich Schlegel’s Vienna philosophical lecturesRussian identityShafarevich

Permalink | Pubblicato 01 Settembre 2015 | Lingua es, it, fr, nl, en