Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale

Journal | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale
Journal issue | 49 | 2015

49 | 2015

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Literary narrativesCatechismsThrough the Looking GlassVirgilio PiñeraRussian orientalismRelationship between topography and literatureWalter BenjaminVerbal imitations of snapshotsTV series‘Philosophy of life’Information structurePro-dropDon DeLillo’s shortest novelThe early Philosophical TransactionsConservative thoughtFile-cardOctavo NotebooksAlice’s adventures in WonderlandFunctional verbsProtocol linguisticsDark LadyFictional depictions of gossipConstruction of identityRussophobiaSicilian dialectsFriedrich Schlegel’s Vienna philosophical lecturesRomeTime as spatial dimensionEtnaInterfaceAltered states of consciousnessCuban literatureEncyclopédieVirginia Woolf’s interest in photographyVictorian psychiatric reformEnlightenment critique on the principle of ‘autoriReal-life concern for traumatic mourningAutobiographical narrativeRussian identityScene-settingScience fictionSylvie and BrunoAndrei Belyi’s ‘African’ lettersFrench coloniesPhilosophical subversionVesuviusChildren and young adults literaturePresentation strategiesDeponentsAlienationHidden dimensions of the mindRejection of Western societyCaribbean and Indian OceanNeurology and psychiatryShakespeareExtermination as a «place of non-existence»Authoritarian logic of the old political and sociaHealth professionsStratanovskyShafarevichShoahInflected constructionSocial media gossipingRelationship between ‘life’ and ‘writing’‘New Mythology’LatinEveryday lifeRussianGenetic approach to the textSonnetsSinyavskyCreole languagesNull subjectTranslations from English to ItalianPhotography as narrative techniqueExperimental writingDiderot’s first dramaTopicBody and timeArgument StructureScientistsSyntax

Permalink | Published Sept. 1, 2015 | Language nl, it, fr, en, es