Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Volume 25 | Miscellanea | The Merchant in Venice: Shakespeare in the Ghetto

The Merchant in Venice: Shakespeare in the Ghetto

open access
    a cura di
  • Shaul Bassi - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Carol Chillington Rutter - University of Warwick, UK - email


This book records the landmark performance of The Merchant of Venice in the Venetian Ghetto in 2016, the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and the 500th anniversary of the Jewish quarter that gave the world the word ‘ghetto’. Practitioners and critics discuss how this multi-ethnic production and its radical choice to cast five actors as Shylock provided the opportunity to respond creatively to Europe’s legacy of antisemitism, racism and difference. They observe how the place and play stand as ambivalent documents of civilization: instruments of intolerance but also sites of cultural exchange.

Keywords Compagnia de’ ColombariAdapting ShakespeareFoersterShakespeare’s comedies of loveAdaptationCiro PinsutiRuth Bader GinsburgMock Trial: Shylock vDirecting ShakespeareMusic designChromaticismTranslationBassanioCharles and Mary LambJewsShylockThe quality of mercyChildren reading ShakespeareJosef BLaurence OlivierMusicOtto TaubmannDesigning ShakespeareCostume designFHeritageKarin CoonrodSite-specific performanceShakespeare’s trial scenesPortiaThe Merchant in the GhettoVeniceAdrian BeechamReynaldo HahnActors on ShakespeareLorenzoAldo FinziAntisemitismHistoryHumanitiesLewis CarrollMock Appeal: Shylock vMurray AbrahamHolocaustLighting designAestheticismMemoryGeorge Braque and ShakespeareGratianoFictionSite specific performanceSite-specific ShakespeareOperaThe Merchant of Venice in the GhettoPerforming ShakespeareNarrativizationMercyRehearsalAntonioGhettoSite-specific designThe Merchant of VeniceChildren’s literatureLancelot GobboMario Castelnuovo-TedescoJessicaTheatre design

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-503-2 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-504-9 | Numero pagine 238 | Dimensioni 16x23cm | Pubblicato 10 Giugno 2021 | Lingua en

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