Home > Catalogue > Rassegna iberistica > 43 | 114 | 2020 > Chassez le national, il revient au galop…”. Eugenio d’Ors in the Decade of Pontigny of 1931

Chassez le national, il revient au galop…”. Eugenio d’Ors in the Decade of Pontigny of 1931

With Six Unpublished Letters from Paul Desjardins and One Back

Xavier Pla    Universitat de Girona, Espanya    



The French period of Catalan philosopher and writer Eugenio d’Ors (1881-1954) has not been sufficiently studied. The edition of six unpublished letters between D’Ors and Paul Desjardins, the famous director and organiser of the Décades of the abbey of Pontigny, which deal with the preparation and celebration of a seminar on the Baroque in the summer of 1931, offer a first reflection on the reception of D’Ors’s thought in Paris. He was a presence oscillating between the initial dazzle and the subsequent disappointment, between blind admiration and irritated disenchantment.

Dec. 21, 2020
Oct. 3, 2020
Aug. 31, 2020

Keywords: Pontigny DécadesDécadas de PontignyMetahistory| Literatura comparadaBarrocoBaroqueEugenio d’OrsMetahistoriaComparative literature

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