Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 43 | 114 | 2020
Research Article | Pluralities in the Inter/Intragenerational Transmission through Photographic Memory in the Biodramatic Trilogy of Lola Arias

Pluralities in the Inter/Intragenerational Transmission through Photographic Memory in the Biodramatic Trilogy of Lola Arias

In her biodramatic trilogy My Life after and Other Texts (2016) the Argentine playwright and director Lola Arias explores several resources that the generation of children has at its disposal. In this remake the life stories shared on stage belong to the generation of parents but they are reconstructed afresh in the present by the generation of children using their own creativity, imagination and interpretation. This article aims to study the intergenerational and intragenerational transmission of memory and the contribution of photographic memories in the remake of the family history of the performers to fill the gaps in the history of Latin America.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Jan. 27, 2020 | Accepted: March 27, 2020 | Published Dec. 21, 2020 | Language: es

Keywords Memoria fotográficaGeneral transmissionRemakeBiodramaPhotographic memory| BiodramaPerformerTransmisión generacional

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