Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 38 | 104 | 2015
Research Article | The First Chapter of Part One of Franciosini’s Quijote

The First Chapter of Part One of Franciosini’s Quijote

Observations on the Translation of Some Elements


Among the translators from Spanish active in the 17th century, a leading role was played by Lorenzo Franciosini, the grammarian, lexicographer and author of the first translation of Don Quijote into Italian. The original text by Cervantes was compared with Franciosini’s translation, published in 1622, to evaluate a range of translational choices and their rationale. Broadly speaking, Franciosini’s translation can be considered reliable, although mistakes emerge deriving from inaccuracies and miscomprehensions. This study only focuses on the first chapter of part one, pending further investigation on the remaining text.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published Dec. 1, 2015 | Language: es

Keywords FranciosiniQuijoteTranslationFirst Chapter

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