Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 38 | 104 | 2015
Research Article | «Un artífice español que debe su ser a las riberas del río Segura»

«Un artífice español que debe su ser a las riberas del río Segura»

Mayans and a Misunderstood Passage of República literaria


At the beginning of República literaria, Diego de Saavedra Fajardo refers to a ‘artífice español’ that ‘gravó la invención de la imprenta’. As can be seen in his correspondence, the identification of this artist disturbed for many years the valencian scholar Gregorio Mayans, who apparently failed to clarify the meaning of this passage. However, the question of the two redactions of República literaria and the controversy over its authorship provides the necessary information for the proper comprehension of the fragment.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published Dec. 1, 2015 | Language: es

Keywords Diego de SaavedraGregorio MayansCorrespondenceRepública literaria

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