Home > Catalogue > Rassegna iberistica > 38 | 104 | 2015 > Epitaph of a Small Winner – Título qualquer serve?

Epitaph of a Small Winner – Título qualquer serve?

Ariadne Nunes    Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal    



Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas has an English translation, by William L. Grossman, intitled Epitaph of a Small Winner. The article reflects upon possible consequences for the interpretation and reading of the book of such a translation of its title, trying to determine if it implies an idea of translation as a form of rewriting. It concludes that Grossman's translation of the title may imply a loss in comunication between Machado de Assis' message and the English readers of his work in this translation.

Dec. 1, 2015

Keywords: Memórias póstumas de Brás CubasTranslationTitleMachado de Assis

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