Balcania et Slavia

Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics
     topic: lingue e linguistica  
  • e-ISSN 2785-3187
  • Periodicità semestrale
  • Permalink
  • Lingua de, en, it, ru, uk

Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics is a newly founded international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the modern Slavic and Balkan languages from the perspective of theoretical, areal-typological, and contrastive linguistics. The Journal intends to promote high-quality scholarly work on all topics relevant to the theoretical description and analysis of Slavic and Balkan languages from a synchronic as well as diachronic perspective. The main areas of interest include, but are not limited to, their structural make-up, contact in space and time, variation and microvariation in the Balkan-Slavic area, first and second language acquisition in bilingual and multilingual environments. Although it is based at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Journal aims at providing an international academic platform where scholars and researchers working within both the traditional and the more recently developed experimental frameworks can share novel ideas and advance theoretical proposals in the field of Slavic and Balkan linguistics.

Ultimo fascicolo pubblicato

Vol. 3 | Num. 2 | Dicembre 2023


Lingua: it, ru, en

Pubblicato: 18 Aprile 2024

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