Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | La traducción de la variación lingüística en los textos literarios entre Italia y España
Capitolo | Tradurre, adattare e riscrivere in versi il Chisciotte in Italia ad inizio Ottocento (parte II)
Cervantes’ masterpiece Don Quixote was translated into Italian in prose in the 16th century by Franciosini and then a second time only in 1818 by Bartolomeo Gamba. In between, Italian readers could amuse themselves by reading some adaptations of the Spanish novel in verse. The focus will be the poems written by Nicola Limosino and Vincenzio Moreno at the beginning of the 18th century. The analysis of these poems will focus both on meter and linguistic aspects to stress the art of translation, rewriting and adaptation of Don Quixote into Italian verse.
Presentato: 06 Giugno 2023 | Accettato: 12 Ottobre 2023 | Pubblicato 19 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: it
Keywords Miguel de Cervantes • Don Quixote • Literary translation Spanish-Italian • Adaptation in verse
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