Collana |
Filologie medievali e moderne
Miscellanea | «Ad consolationem legentium»
Capitolo | La traduzione latina del Devisement dou monde nel Chronicon di Francesco Pipino
The Chronicon written in Latin by Francesco Pipino, a Dominican friar from Bologna (ca 1270-ca 1328), consists of 31 books in Latin prose on universal history from 754 to 1317, with some additions up to 1322. The sole manuscript Modena, Biblioteca Estense, α.X.1.5, transmits the text. This paper analyses Tartars’ history in the Chronicon, and focuses particularly on Pipino’s method in his Latin translation of Marco Polo.
Presentato: 04 Maggio 2020 | Accettato: 29 Aprile 2020 | Pubblicato 27 Luglio 2020 | Lingua: it
Keywords Francesco Pipino • Medieval chronicles • Tartars’ history • Marco Polo
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