Eurasiatica Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale

Collana | Eurasiatica
Miscellanea | Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale
Capitolo | «Il cuore del nostro popolo è il mio campo arato»

«Il cuore del nostro popolo è il mio campo arato»

Tre poesie in lingua osseta di Kosta Chetagurov


The present paper features three poems from Kosta Chetagurov’s Ossetian lyre (first published in 1899). The edition of the text, presented both according to the modern orthography and in a fac-simile reproduction of Kosta’s manuscript, is accompanied by a literally English gloss by the late Tamerlan Guriev as well as our non-poetic Italian translation, whose aim is simply to make these beautiful poems available to a larger audience. Our lexical and morpho-syntactic interlinear gloss is aligned under the Ossetic text, given in a rather broad phonological transcription.

Open access

Presentato: 06 Marzo 2019 | Pubblicato 17 Ottobre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Italian translationLexical and morpho-syntactic glossKosta ChetagurovIron fӕndyrOssetian poetry

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