Modello di tutto il mondo tracciato a perfezione
L’Asia interna nella carta a forma di cuore detta di Cagi Acmet
This article presents the first results of the studies on the geographical content of the heart-shaped map of the world signed Cagi Acmet (1559), which has been made possible by the complete transliteration and translation of the work. The considered area, i.e. Central Asia, is presented and compared with 16th-century cartography. The Author draws from an in-depth examination of this area, as well as from the study of all the other parts of the map, the conclusion that the heart-shaped map is the work of the cartographer Giacomo Gastaldi, active in Venice between 1545 and 1566.
Keywords: Gastaldi • B • Central Asia • ‘Cagi Acmet’ world-map • Turkestan • C • Arsarot • Tangut • Vopell • Ramusio • G