Collana | Studi di storia
Volume 13 | Miscellanea | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Fifty Years that Changed Europe
open access | peer reviewed
    a cura di
  • Cristina Dondi - 15cBOOKTRADE, University of Oxford, UK - email


The volume contains a reassessment of the economic and social impact of the printing revolution on the development of early modern European society, using 15th-century printed books, which still survive today in their thousands, as historical sources. Papers on production, trade, the cost of books in comparison with the cost of living, literacy, the transmission of texts in print, and the use and circulation of books and illustration are the result of several years of international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary research coordinated by the 15cBOOKTRADE project funded by an ERC Consolidator grant (2014-2019) and supported by the Consortium of European Research Libraries.

Keywords History of consumptionReading practicesEmanuel ChrysolorasDeeds of saleInventory Of BooksEuropean identityEarly modern book pricesCostsIncunablesVespasiano da Bisticci15th Century BooktradeLegal textsWoodcuts15th-century printingLibreria di San MarcoBooksFamily expensePrivate librariesJohann GutenbergPrintingHistory of UniversitiesNotes of ownershipEarly modern book historyErotemataBottom-up researchBritish LibraryPioLombardyConsumer pricesEarly-Modern Printed BookCataloniaHistory of LithuaniaTradePurchasing powerIus communeOwnersProvenanceDigital humanitiesTextual transmissionFrancesco De MadiisFerraraBooksellingProvenance marks16thcenturyProvenance researchDigital HumanitiesEuropean Research AreaArs minorEarly Greek printingFairsBonus AccursiusIncunabulaShort TitleXylographyManuscriptBarcelonaNational Library of IsraelTransportAldus ManutiusManual image annotationScholarly bookSubiacoPrinted BooksBibliographyPrinted imagesMEIBook historyCorpus iuris civilisCatholic ChurchCommercial strategiesBinding wasteLibrary arrangementImage-matchingRoad infrastructureBookbindingBook IllustrationBooktradeHistory of the bookBooks of the 15th CenturyResearch excellenceHand-illuminationHandwritten inscriptionsData ProvenanceRubricationSecond CensusCost of livingPolonsky FoundationBartolus de SaxoferratoGISBooks tradeBook-makingDuc de RivoliHebrew incunabulaImagesLaw booksLaonicus & AlexanderScholarly networkMemmingenEdition copiesEstenseNicolas JensonISTCData ArchaeologyBartolomeo LupotoAmerican Special Collections LibrariesFrancesco Platone de’ BenedettiLinked Open DataMedical textsGutenberg BibleLaonicus & AlexanderBiblioteca Nazionale MarcianaVisual image searchVictor MassénaJohannes CrastonusXVI CenturyMateria medicaIlluminationHistory of the booPrinting medicinePaduaBessarionFranz RennerAesopusSemantic webCorpus IurisEarly library cataloguesBook HistoryCERLCRELEBInventory of BooksMarks in booksReformationHistory of DataWoodcut illustrationFragmentsDonatusBenedictinesFrederick GoffIlluminatorsLibrariesMargaret Bingham Stillwell16th centuryConstantinus LascarisMarciana National LibraryPsalteriumWheatWineLegal historyBook pricesBolognaEuropean Research CouncilMaterial cultureIllustrationThird CensusRenaissanceWagesBook tradeTheologyDecorationHistorical CollectionsRome National Central LibraryPrince d’EsslingData VisualisationMainzPricesFondazione Giorgio CiniLODVenice15th centuryVenetian RepublicSuppression of religious houses

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-332-8 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-333-5 | Numero pagine 980 | Dimensioni 16x23cm | Pubblicato 24 Febbraio 2020 | Lingua it, en