Home > Catalogo > Studi di storia > Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Fifty Years that Changed Europe

a cura di

Cristina Dondi    15cBOOKTRADE, University of Oxford, UK    



The volume contains a reassessment of the economic and social impact of the printing revolution on the development of early modern European society, using 15th-century printed books, which still survive today in their thousands, as historical sources. Papers on production, trade, the cost of books in comparison with the cost of living, literacy, the transmission of texts in print, and the use and circulation of books and illustration are the result of several years of international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary research coordinated by the 15cBOOKTRADE project funded by an ERC Consolidator grant (2014-2019) and supported by the Consortium of European Research Libraries.

24 Febbraio 2020
Numero pagine
16x23 cm
Copyright: © 2020 Cristina Dondi. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.


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Kristian Jensen   
24 Febbraio 2020
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The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and the Study of Incunabula as Historical Sources
Cristina Dondi   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Section 1. The Transmission of Texts in Print and the Distribution and Reception of Books
With a Focus on Corpus iuris civilis and the Works of Bartolus de Saxoferrato
Maria Alessandra Panzanelli-Fratoni   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Con cenni sulla fruizione dei libri di materia medica e ricettari
Sabrina Minuzzi   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Patterns of Survival Among the Early Mainz Donatus Editions
Eric White   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Geri Della Rocca de Candal   
24 Febbraio 2020
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A Brief Overview on the Hebrew Incunabula Held in Italian Libraries
Marco Bertagna   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Section 2. Working with Libraries in Europe and the United States
I cataloghi storici: genesi, struttura, presenza di incunaboli
Alessia Giachery   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Descrizione, risultati, problemi aperti
Edoardo Barbieri   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Pasqualino Avigliano    Andrea Cappa    Andrea De Pasquale    Cristina Dondi    Adalbert Roth    Marina Venier   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Viktorija Vaitkevičiūtė    Agnė Zemkajutė   
24 Febbraio 2020
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John Lancaster   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Section 3. The Cost of Living and the Cost of Books in 15th-Century Europe
Isabella Cecchini   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Un confronto coi prezzi dei generi di prima necessità e col potere d’acquisto dei salariati nella seconda metà del XV secolo
Paola Pinelli   
24 Febbraio 2020
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An Unusual Copy of Franciscus de Platea, Opus restitutionum (1474), and a Few Other Items
Neil Harris   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Un inventario di libri conservato dentro il Zornale di Francesco de Madiis
Sara Mansutti   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Appunti sul commercio librario tra Venezia, la Toscana e Genova (ca. 1459-1487)
Lorenz Böninger   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Consumo del libro, prezzi e mercato librario a Bologna alla fine del Quattrocento
Elena Gatti   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Claire Bolton   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Section 4. Illustration and Digital Tools
From Hand Illumination to the Design of Woodcuts
Lilian Armstrong   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Cristina Dondi    Abhishek Dutta    Matilde Malaspina    Andrew Zisserman   
24 Febbraio 2020
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From the Census to the Copies
Ilaria Andreoli    Ilenia Maschietto   
24 Febbraio 2020
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The Atlas of Early Printing and the Material History of Data
Gregory Prickman   
24 Febbraio 2020
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Past, Present and Future
John Goldfinch    Karen Limper-Herz   
24 Febbraio 2020
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CERL’s Provenance Digital Archive
Marieke van Delft   
24 Febbraio 2020
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24 Febbraio 2020
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24 Febbraio 2020
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24 Febbraio 2020
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