Collana | Studi di storia
Miscellanea | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500
Capitolo | 22 Da Vespasiano da Bisticci a Franz Renner e Bartolomeo Lupoto

22 Da Vespasiano da Bisticci a Franz Renner e Bartolomeo Lupoto

Appunti sul commercio librario tra Venezia, la Toscana e Genova (ca. 1459-1487)


In 1967 Roberto Ridolfi presented, albeit incompletely, a series of archival documents on the Venetian-Florentine book trade in 1477. A fresh look at this and other relating material allows us to reconstruct the network of the Venetian printer Francesco della Fontana (Franz Renner) and his sponsor Leonardo Donà between Venice, Florence, Lucca and Genova. Lists of incunabula often included the expected sale prices for them, but these were subject to different forces on the local markets. Many of the books sent from Venice after 1477 were still available in Bartolomeo Lupoto’s shop in Genova in 1487.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 06 Maggio 2019 | Accettato: 19 Agosto 2019 | Pubblicato 24 Febbraio 2020 | Lingua: it

Keywords IncunabulaNicolas JensonVespasiano da BisticciFranz RennerBook tradeBartolomeo Lupoto

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