Collana | SAIL
Volume 12 | Monografia | Rethinking English Language Certification

Rethinking English Language Certification

New Approaches to the Assessment of English as an Academic Lingua Franca
open access | peer reviewed


What are the challenges posed to English language examining boards by the phenomenal growth of English as a lingua franca? This volume takes a critical look at existing international English language certification, which assesses test takers on the basis of the proximity of their performance to native speaker models. It describes a pilot project to develop an ‘ELF aware’ certification for higher education, and concludes that it may be necessary to introduce new assessment criteria to reflect the ability of users of English to communicate successfully in an international environment.

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-195-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-166-9 | Pubblicato 06 Novembre 2017 | Lingua en

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