Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 42 | 112 | 2019
Research Article | «Sogno un ultimo viaggio ispanico». Seven Letters by Arturo Farinelli to Eugeni d’Ors

«Sogno un ultimo viaggio ispanico». Seven Letters by Arturo Farinelli to Eugeni d’Ors


Italian scholar Arturo Farinelli was strongly connected with Catalonia and Spain’s cultural environment. In early 20th century, he met young Catalan philosopher Eugeni d’Ors and, despite their opposed aesthetical and ideological positions, the two became friends and started an epistolary relationship attested by seven letters of Arturo Farinelli, sent between 1920 and 1943 and located in the Arxiu National de Catalunya. During World War I, both intellectuals defended neutrality, but moving from antithetical ideological assumptions, such as a humanistic internationalism in the case of Farinelli, and European imperialism promoted by Ors. Differences between them lie also in their aesthetic judgements about Baroque and Romanticism.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: June 26, 2018 | Accepted: June 18, 2019 | Published Dec. 4, 2019 | Language: it

Keywords CorrespondenceArturo FarinelliCarteggioNoucentismeCataloniaNeutralismIntellectuals| Arturo FarinelliFirst World WarIntellettualiNeutralismoItalySpainEugeni d’OrsPrima guerra mondiale

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