Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 42 | 112 | 2019
Research Article | ‘Blood in the Queer Eye’: Anomalous Bodies and Monsters in Lina Meruane’s Fictions

‘Blood in the Queer Eye’: Anomalous Bodies and Monsters in Lina Meruane’s Fictions


This essay focuses on the peculiar intersection which seems to explain unstable living forms – precarious ‘bodies in progress’ – that inhabit Lina Meruane’s ‘degenerated’ poetics, one where queer discourse mixes with fantastic and gothic features. Indeed, if, on the one hand, the Chilean author’s political agenda clings to the refusal of a disciplinating mould and objections to any request of identity accountability, on the other, she constantly counterbalances her revolutionary theoretical drive always flirting with narrative codes of the ominous, as illustrated by estranging, almost a ‘horror’ staging she intends for every one of her ambiguous, amorphous creatures.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 18, 2019 | Accepted: Oct. 8, 2019 | Published Dec. 4, 2019 | Language: es

Keywords BiopolíticaFantastic fictionQueerIdentidadFantásticoIdentityLina Meruane| QueerBiopolitics

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