Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 42 | 112 | 2019
Research Article | Poetry, Modern Architecture and Avant-Garde
Writer and poet J.V. Foix had a very prominent role in Catalan culture, especially in the Avant-gardes period in early 20th century. However, it is not well known his involvement in architecture shown by several articles written after he visited the V Triennale in Milan (1933) that were later published in the volume Mots i maons o a cascú el seu. Part of Foix’s work can be considered a critical interpretation of architecture from a literary point of view. Besides a general approval of modernist and Avant-garde architecture, his writings reflect a surprisingly mature conception of architecture that anticipates relevant opinion that both in Italy and in Spain would address architecture theoretical works after World War II. Most likely Foix came into direct contact with the Modern Movement while he was visiting the V Triennale and there he realized the potential of ‘crosswise’ interests between architecture and literature and especially between the international context and Spain.
Submitted: Jan. 21, 2019 | Accepted: June 18, 2019 | Published Dec. 4, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Modern Architecture • Milan’s Triennale • V • Triennale di Milano • J • Mediterraneità • Architettura Moderna • Poesia catalana • | J • Foix • Poetry
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