Series |
Review | Intercomprehension: Languages, Processes, and Pathways
Chapter | L’intercomprensione orale in una comunicazione multilingue
This paper originates from the report of an experience of plurilingual communication, which took place in the project Valortur, an international program for advanced training in Tourism Sciences involving professors and students from different Italian and European universities. The communicative exchanges during the training days followed the principles of Intercomprehension, according to which a speaker can be understood by others who do not know the interlocutor’s language, if their native languages belong to the same language family. The analysis of the documents collected during the project allowed us to suggest a reflection on the strategies adopted during an exolingual conversation, during which differences in the languages knowledge as well as differences in specific topics can be found. In particular, it is demonstrated how attention to the modalities of oral speech production and the use of different communicative channels can greatly support communication.
Submitted: Oct. 28, 2016 | Accepted: Nov. 25, 2016 | Language: it
Keywords Intercomprehension between Romance languages • Oral production strategies • Communication channels • Exolingual communication • Valortur Programme
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