Series |
Review | Languages in Italy, Languages in Europe: Where We Are, Where We Are Going
Chapter | Verso l’insegnamento precoce
Children seem to acquire a language better, faster and easier than adults. Studies in Developmental Neuroscience redefined the well-known concept of a ‘critical period for language acquisition’ extending it to the acquisition of a foreign language: children show a special ability in accurately imitating the sounds, rhythms, intonation and syntax also of a language other than their mother tongue. This hypothesis, if founded, makes ‘scuola dell’infanzia’ one of the most favourable contexts for the early learning of a foreign language. We will see that this is true not only because the age of the learner seems to be the most fruitful, but also for the presence of other important factors. Then, we will briefly describe the current situation in Italy and possible future scenarios for ‘early’ foreign language learning in our country.
Language: it
Keywords Italy • Early foreing language learning
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