Series | Studi di storia
Volume 13 | Edited book | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500

Fifty Years that Changed Europe
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Cristina Dondi - 15cBOOKTRADE, University of Oxford, UK - email

The volume contains a reassessment of the economic and social impact of the printing revolution on the development of early modern European society, using 15th-century printed books, which still survive today in their thousands, as historical sources. Papers on production, trade, the cost of books in comparison with the cost of living, literacy, the transmission of texts in print, and the use and circulation of books and illustration are the result of several years of international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary research coordinated by the 15cBOOKTRADE project funded by an ERC Consolidator grant (2014-2019) and supported by the Consortium of European Research Libraries.

Keywords Book-makingHistory of the bookEdition copiesFondazione Giorgio CiniPurchasing powerData ProvenanceLibreria di San MarcoFrederick Goff16thcenturyCorpus IurisArs minorMedical textsPrince d’EsslingPrinted BooksCataloniaVictor MassénaAmerican Special Collections LibrariesBooks of the 15th CenturyLombardyVenetian RepublicLinked Open DataBibliographyHandwritten inscriptionsPaduaBiblioteca Nazionale MarcianaNotes of ownershipEmanuel ChrysolorasLaonicus & AlexanderGISLaonicus & AlexanderTransportLODLaw booksPsalteriumISTCDecorationBottom-up researchWheatOwnersCatholic ChurchImage-matchingXylographyImagesVespasiano da BisticciProvenanceManual image annotationXVI CenturySubiacoBooksCost of living15th-century printing16th centuryPioPrices15th centuryRenaissanceSemantic webRoad infrastructureWoodcut illustrationEarly Greek printingData VisualisationMEIBook tradeBonus AccursiusWagesEarly library cataloguesAldus ManutiusIncunablesEarly-Modern Printed BookBartolus de SaxoferratoBarcelonaJohannes CrastonusProvenance researchEuropean identityBartolomeo LupotoTextual transmissionFrancesco Platone de’ BenedettiFamily expenseScholarly bookMarks in booksMemmingenMateria medicaLegal historyCommercial strategiesDigital humanitiesBooksellingWineNational Library of IsraelPrinted imagesMarciana National LibraryDuc de RivoliInventory Of BooksWoodcutsLegal textsHistory of DataLibrariesMargaret Bingham StillwellScholarly networkSecond CensusHistory of UniversitiesFrancesco De MadiisRome National Central LibraryBookbindingTradeEstensePrivate librariesIlluminationConstantinus LascarisPrintingHistory of consumptionFranz RennerIus communeEarly modern book pricesDonatusHistorical CollectionsPolonsky FoundationReading practicesPrinting medicineData ArchaeologyIllustrationBenedictinesManuscriptMaterial cultureBooks tradeGutenberg BibleIlluminators15th Century BooktradeBessarionFerraraConsumer pricesHebrew incunabulaHistory of the booMainzTheologyInventory of BooksCostsVeniceProvenance marksIncunabulaDeeds of saleErotemataHistory of LithuaniaBook historyFragmentsEuropean Research CouncilBinding wasteNicolas JensonHand-illuminationBook HistoryJohann GutenbergDigital HumanitiesEarly modern book historyBooktradeBook IllustrationReformationLibrary arrangementAesopusResearch excellenceShort TitleCERLFairsSuppression of religious housesBolognaBritish LibraryThird CensusVisual image searchBook pricesCRELEBCorpus iuris civilisEuropean Research AreaRubrication

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-332-8 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-333-5 | Number of pages 980 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Feb. 24, 2020 | Language en, it