10 La formazione delle raccolte marciane
I cataloghi storici: genesi, struttura, presenza di incunaboli
This essay takes into consideration four early catalogues (cc. XVII-XVIII) of former Libreria di San Marco (now Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana). Their analysis and comparison provide information about book accession and preservation methods through the centuries, about rearrangement of miscellanies, replacement and/or discarding of copies of the same edition. Some case studies from the incunabula collection are given. The first catalogue, printed between 1623 and 1626, contains records of 59 dated incunabula: tracking these items in the following three catalogues, a list of identified editions is provided, as well as their related copies currently held at the Marciana Library.
Keywords: Libreria di San Marco • Library arrangement • Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana • Early library catalogues • Edition copies