Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500
Chapter | 9 Hebrew Incunabula in the National Library of Israel as a Source for Early Modern Book History in Europe and Beyond

9 Hebrew Incunabula in the National Library of Israel as a Source for Early Modern Book History in Europe and Beyond


Hebrew incunabula from the collection of the National Library of Israel contain a vast amount of manuscript annotations, many of them of historical, philological, linguistic, and palaeographical interest. The paper presents a few examples of owners’ notes that shed light on the history of books in early modern Jewish communities. From the book owned by the well-known rabbi Moses Alashkar, to a reference to the participation of rabbi Mordecai Dato in a family ceremony, and the extensive glosses of Samuel Lerma, to the joyful message of an unnamed Jew whose daughter had been released from captivity. Such material is a valuable resource for research on the distribution and use of early Hebrew printed books in Europe and beyond.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 1, 2019 | Accepted: Nov. 28, 2019 | Published Feb. 24, 2020 | Language: it

Keywords Hebrew incunabulaHandwritten inscriptionsEarly modern book historyNational Library of IsraelNotes of ownershipDeeds of sale

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