Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500
Chapter | 34 A New Tool for Describing Provenance Images

34 A New Tool for Describing Provenance Images

CERL’s Provenance Digital Archive


Following the rise of the study of the history of the book in the eighties and nineties, provenance studies have become an important component in the research of social and cultural historians. This development was noticed and embraced by the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL). The Consortium incorporated results of provenance research in existing resources and new ones were developed. The latest development is the CERL Provenance Digital Archive, an international online database to describe images of provenance marks.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Sept. 2, 2019 | Accepted: Nov. 6, 2019 | Published Feb. 24, 2020 | Language: en

Keywords Provenance marksHistory of the booImagesProvenance research

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