Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 41 | 109 | 2018
Articolo | Golosina canibal 2.0

Golosina canibal 2.0

Antropofagia, transculturación, migraciones y banquetes en la literatura argentina reciente


This article offers a reading of the novel El Entenado (1982) by Juan José Saer, analysing the way in which it is inserted within the author’s system and within the Argentinean literary canon. The Saerian heritage is resignified by cannibalism and its presence in cultural studies. ‘Cannibalism’ stresses a relativised opposition between interior and exterior by founding an exuberant de-colonial polysemy that challenges the stigma of savagery and barbarism with which classical historiography has characterised the New World. The cannibal cleavage of texts published after the year 2000 – texts singularly crossed by the migration experience – plays with a culture of knowledge and flavour, eating and being-eaten.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 06 Giugno 2017 | Accettato: 16 Luglio 2017 | Pubblicato 11 Giugno 2018 | Lingua: es

Keywords CannibalismArgentine literature(In)migrationsOther

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