magazén International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

Rivista | magazén
Fascicolo monografico | 3 | 2 | 2022
Articolo | [Ri]costruire il patrimonio culturale medievale

[Ri]costruire il patrimonio culturale medievale

Il caso delle [ri]costruzioni 3D nella ricerca accademica e nelle GLAMS


Digital visualisation technologies including 3D modelling and virtual/augmented reality have revolutionised our critical engagement with the visual arts. The possibility of virtually [re]constructing highly fragmented contexts has opened infinite possibilities and new agendas for research. While the sustainability of Digital Humanities research is at the forefront of current debates, through specific case studies, with a particular focus on medieval historical heritage, this paper aims to critically engage with methodological aspects employed in the creation of digital reconstructions. These models need to balance the need for accuracy and academic certitude with the aesthetic quality of the objects themselves. Through an interdisciplinary and multifaceted approach, it will offer a commentary and a reassessment of the common notion that digital conservation as a discipline needs to offer a curative response in the fields of historical preservation, cultural heritage and archaeology.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 15 Luglio 2022 | Accettato: 26 Ottobre 2022 | Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2022 | Lingua: it

Keywords Virtual realityDigital humanitiesVisual artsMiddle ages3D modelingAugmented reality

Subtags Publication Modelling Visualisation Documents Technology Monuments 3d data

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