JoMaCC Journal of Modern and Contemporary Christianity

Rivista | JoMaCC
Fascicolo | 3 | 1 | 2024
Articolo | Qualche nota e interrogativo intorno a nuove prospettive di ricerca sul magistero romano a metà Novecento

Qualche nota e interrogativo intorno a nuove prospettive di ricerca sul magistero romano a metà Novecento


This paper proposes some considerations through a cross-reading of the articles published in this issue. The new research reveals several protagonists of the curial environment in the elaboration of Pius XII’s magisterial documents: the consultors at the Holy Office Franz Hürth, Sebastiaan Tromp, the better-known Augustin Bea; the secretary of Briefs to Princes Antonio Bacci. The role of the Society of Jesus is also relevant: it is able to mitigate or deflect curial proceedings initiated against its members. The articles add important contributions to our knowledge of Pius XII’s modus operandi at the head of the Catholic Church, with the support of his main collaborators (Montini, Dell’Acqua) and in the context of the internal dialectics within the Holy See. At the doctrinal level, the question of modernism and its new expressions appeared central throughout Pacelli’s pontificate. The text also offers some methodological considerations regarding contemporary research in the field of the history of Christianity and the Churches.

Open access

Presentato: 27 Febbraio 2024 | Pubblicato 23 Aprile 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Pius XIIModernismSociety of JesusSebastiaan TrompFranz Hürth

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