EL.LE Educazione Linguistica. Language Education

Rivista | EL.LE
Fascicolo | 9 | 3 | 2020
Articolo | Stakeholders’ Perceptions over the Integration of CLIL and Museum Education and Methodological Implications

Stakeholders’ Perceptions over the Integration of CLIL and Museum Education and Methodological Implications


The aim of this article is to investigate stakeholders’ perceptions as regards the integration of CLIL and museum education and outline the main methodological implications. Lately, Italian museums have started offering CLIL learning programmes aimed at school groups. However, there is very little research on the affordances, issues and practical implications of integrating CLIL and museum-based pedagogies. To help fill this gap, an action research project was initiated, which involved university experts, museum staff and upper secondary teachers and students. This study focuses on the museum staff’s interview data, and reveals that successful design of CLIL museum programmes depends on different elements, such as a shared vision for CLIL and strong school-museum collaboration.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 03 Dicembre 2019 | Accettato: 23 Aprile 2020 | Pubblicato 07 Novembre 2020 | Lingua: en

Keywords CLILNon-FormalMuseumAction ResearchOut-of-SchoolPedagogical Model

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