Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Constelaciones familiares en la narrativa iberoamericana moderna
Capitolo | Cuando la Historia en mayúsculas marca constelaciones familiares

Cuando la Historia en mayúsculas marca constelaciones familiares

Volver la vista atrás de Juan Gabriel Vásquez


This article presents an analysis of the novel Volver la vista atrás by the Colombian writer Juan Gabriel Vásquez (2020), a biography of the family of the Colombian director and documentary filmmaker Sergio Cabrera, transformed into fiction. It shows how historical events have shaped the family history, how traumatic experiences seem to be repeated in subsequent generations and how the protagonists try to overcome them. The analysis is carried out with reference to current publications from the fields of postmemory (Hirsch) and Critical Trauma Studies (Balaev).

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 01 Settembre 2023 | Accettato: 20 Marzo 2024 | Pubblicato 20 Giugno 2024 | Lingua: es

Keywords TraumaGabriel VásquezColombiaFamily novelIntergenerational transmission

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