Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Mirades afectives sobre la cultura catalana contemporània
Capitolo | «Un tortell esponjós que t’envolta i s’estufa per l’habitació»

«Un tortell esponjós que t’envolta i s’estufa per l’habitació»

Imatges afectives del vincle feminista al teatre català recent


Assuming that emotions can be a vehicle for creating a feeling of community and conveying political notions, this article analyses an ensemble of recent plays that use emotion within the frame of feminist narratives. These theatre plays portray the affective dimension of consciousness-raising processes through images of affect that highlight the importance of collectivity and undermine several aspects of the modern subject. The experiences that the heroines deal with are deeply rooted in the body and often involve pain, presented not as a mark of passivity but as a potential catalyst for affective transformation. 

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 10 Novembre 2022 | Accettato: 06 Marzo 2023 | Pubblicato 19 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: ca

Keywords Catalan TheatrePainIntersexualityFeminismEmotionsGenealogiesAffectPosthumanismCollectives

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