Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Mirades afectives sobre la cultura catalana contemporània
Capitolo | Introducció


La mirada com a productora d’esdeveniments i els estudis de l’afecte


The act of looking implies an intention. In opposition to the perceptual process of seeing, which can be neutral or indifferent, looking is an event-generating action, in the inaugural sense that Alain Badiou gives to the term. Literature and the arts can contribute to document our affective norms and emotional imperatives, and –what is even more suggestive– they can deconstruct or deauthorize them. 

Open access

Pubblicato 19 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: ca

Keywords Catalan literatureCatalan artAct of lookingAffect StudiesIntention

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