Italianistica. Nuova serie

Collana | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Miscellanea | «A riveder la china»
Capitolo | Una costante di gravitazione dantesca: da Gustave Doré a Gabriele Dell’Otto

Una costante di gravitazione dantesca: da Gustave Doré a Gabriele Dell’Otto


In the mid-nineteenth century Gustave Doré fixed the imagery of Dante’s Comedy through his 136 engravings. Their expressive power is disruptive and long lasting. In order to investigate whether this modelling charge is still operating within very recent works, this essay takes into consideration two different illustrated editions of Dante’s Comedy: the one illustrated by Lorenzo Mattotti, Milton Glaser and Moebius for the Galleria Nuages, and the one still ongoing which is illustrated by Gabriele Dell’Otto.

Open access

Presentato: 24 Agosto 2021 | Pubblicato 15 Novembre 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords IllustrationsLorenzo MattottiMilton GlaserMoebiusDanteGustave DoréCommedia

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