Italianistica. Nuova serie

Collana | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Miscellanea | «A riveder la china»
Capitolo | «L’Inferno va di pari passo col progresso!»

«L’Inferno va di pari passo col progresso!»

Dante, Geppo e il fumetto umoristico italiano tra gli anni Cinquanta e Ottanta


Between the 1950s and the 1980s, Edizioni Bianconi published cult characters such as Trottolino, Nonna Abelarda, Popeye and Tom & Jerry. Among these is Geppo, the good devil chased out of Hell because he was unfit to carry out his duties. From the very first stories, the infernal setting favours the appearance of references to the first cantica of Dante’s Comedy. This essay focuses on two of these stories, by Giovan Battista Carpi and Sandro Dossi, which are considered significant in terms of the reception of Dante’s masterpiece in the comic strip medium.

Open access

Presentato: 24 Agosto 2021 | Pubblicato 15 Novembre 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords HumourComicsItalian linguisticsInfernoDanteIntertestuality

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