Timur Novikov. L’attualità del passato
This contribution focuses on the activity of Timur Novikov (1958-2002) and his dynamic approach to Western or national patterns, to classicism or avant-gardism. His artistic activity stands as the perfect case study when discussing appropriations and negations in the development of an artistic canon. The focal point for interpreting Novikov’s dynamical activity is his trademark parodic approach to his work, through the use of the so-called stiob, and in the text this aspect will be analysed on the basis of Linda Hutcheon’s theory of parody ([1985] 2000). Examining Novikov’s career, taking and denying different aesthetic canons, is essential to understand the development of Russian contemporary art.
Keywords: Parody • Post-soviet society • Post-soviet art • Timur Novikov • Nostalgia