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Miscellanea | De aquí a Lima. Estudios fraseológicos del español de España e Hispanoamérica
Capitolo | El Diccionario de locuciones idiomáticas del español actual en línea
The edition of dictionaries is tending more and more towards online publication, as opposed to print editions. The latter are less comfortable to use and less attractive for consultation in a society in which new technologies are taking over in all areas of daily life. Even dictionaries with multiple print editions, such as the Spanish Royal Academy’s Diccionario de la Lengua Española, commonly have online versions. With the aim of drawing attention to the Diccionario de locuciones idiomáticas del español actual (DiLEA), which has been published online, its most notable characteristics are presented here. Compiled according to the theoretical bases of linguistics, lexicography, phraseology and phraseography, DiLEA offers morphological, syntactic and semantic information on a large collection of idioms, in some cases even including pragmatic details. All the information given is backed up by authentic examples of the idioms in use, which justify the linguistic behaviour shown in their respective lexicographical entries.
Presentato: 02 Marzo 2020 | Accettato: 27 Marzo 2020 | Pubblicato 15 Ottobre 2020 | Lingua: es
Keywords Idioms • Spanish • Online dictionaries • Phraseography • Lexicography
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