Collana |
Monografia | Lexicalización, léxico y lexicografía en la historia del español
Capitolo | Obstáculos, oposiciones, ocurrencias, obviedades, omisiones y observaciones
This paper analyzes the presence of the Latin preverb ob- in Spanish. It is a non-productive prefix in this language and is not easily recognizable in the verbs and other words that contain it, whether they are inherited or, more commonly, learned words, but it becomes relevant when we try to understand their meanings. We will review that lexicon from Latin, both from the morphological point of view, in the union and subsequent development of the preverb with the verbal bases, as semantic, by the semic and classemic functions that this preverb had. This will give us the keys to explain its formation and values.
Presentato: 29 Settembre 2019 | Accettato: 21 Ottobre 2019 | Pubblicato 14 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: es
Keywords Preverb • Semantics • Spanish • Latin • Lexicology
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