Collana | SAIL
Recensione | Intercomprensione: lingue, processi e percorsi
Capitolo | Formation à l’intercompréhension orale et apprentissage du FLE dans une faculté d’économie

Formation à l’intercompréhension orale et apprentissage du FLE dans une faculté d’économie


This paper introduces the assumptions and methods whereby both listening and reading IC of the French language for Italian speakers has been integrated within a French as a Foreign Language (FLE) teaching programme, aimed at students attending Non-Liberal-Arts courses (Economics). The paper briefly describes the teaching context which has led to this choice and the general structure of the training proposed. Starting from comparing the two languages, Italian and French, in class, this study attempts to illustrate how an approach to the French language by listening IC alone first, and reading comprehension later – following a carefully structured programme – can create the basis for an effective and reflective learning of the spoken and written grammar and their mutual relations in French. The training device using listening IC in FLE teaching aims at taking advantage of the heterogeneity and linguistic diversity among the students, in order to turn them into principal promoters of their own learning. In order to do so, organised modular training, following an explicit progression of different skills (listening comprehension followed by comprehension), has proved to be a satisfactory solution. The indispensable classroom-based guided module is to be combined with a distance learning module, which makes it possible to use resources and activities in a freely chosen order.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 28 Ottobre 2016 | Accettato: 25 Novembre 2016 | Lingua: it

Keywords OralIntercomprehensionFLE

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