Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 9 | 1 | 2020

9 | 1 | 2020

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Translation in language teachingLanguage teachingPop song translationCommunicative competencePhoneticsSatellite-framed languagesMotivational strategiesItalian as foreign languageTranslation teachingLanguage educationCommercial contemporary musicLearner-textsStyle switchingTranslation trainingSemiotic competenceCase studyMigrant studentsEdulinguisticsState of the artSociolinguisticsTranslation competenceTranslation and creative rewritingPopular musicIlliterate studentsLanguage teachers educationIdiomatic expressionsAdult educationLadin frog storySecond language learningIntercultural communicationFigurative competenceEnglish as a third or fourth languageGerman as a foreign languageForeign languageEducational linguisticsL2 motivationSLATeaching Italian as L2InterferencesCulture and literature teaching

Permalink | Published July 30, 2020 | Language en, it