Series | SAIL
Edited book | Lingue, linguaggi e spazi: per una diversa visione del carcere e della mediazione
Chapter | Il carcere visto da dentro

Il carcere visto da dentro


Prison is the most widely used punishment globally. There are ten million prisoners worldwide. A number that makes it almost impossible for the punishment to actually serve a social rehabilitation purpose. Prison, seen from the inside, is a place designed to produce pain. It is the place of public revenge. This is the demand that comes from outside society, all the more so in times of penal populism. Direct observation of the prison institutions is fundamental to understanding its actual not legal function.

Open access

Submitted: March 12, 2024 | Published July 4, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Prison monitoringSocial mattersAlternative sanctionsPrisoners rightsDetention ratesMass incarceration

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