Series | SAIL
Edited book | Lingue, linguaggi e spazi: per una diversa visione del carcere e della mediazione
Chapter | Linguaggi, immagini e spazi del carcere

Linguaggi, immagini e spazi del carcere


This contribution shows the results of a survey on the expressive elements and dialogical practices conducted within some prison institutes in Tuscany, Umbria and Triveneto. The first step, the study of the characteristics and variables inherent in communication between disjointed realities, the intra- and extra-prison population, was useful to understand and know the use of verbal/non-verbal codes and sub-codes peculiar to the context of reference. The second was useful to verify the existence and vitality of a prison we-code (common code) in addition to the visual analysis of the signs (graffiti and murals) inserted in a context that by its very nature does not allow space for pictorial or other forms of expression.

Open access

Submitted: March 12, 2024 | Published July 4, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords PluriculturalismPrison slangPlurilingualismPrison graffitiSuperdiversityPrison context

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