Series | SAIL
Volume 28 | Edited book | Lingue, linguaggi e spazi: per una diversa visione del carcere e della mediazione
The representation of migratory flows within European societies is often influenced by distorted perceptions due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of migration itself, of the individuals involved, and their roles, as well as a lack of knowledge of the phenomenon, and by inadequate and misleading ways of interpreting information. Transnational migratory flows generate multiple narratives, conveyed in the current era through specific forms and modes of transmission. These are crucial in shaping the content with which migration is represented in the host societies. Such narratives design and influence the policies used to manage migration and affect how immigrants themselves experience it, as they are compelled to confront the images and ideas that host societies form about them. Since narratives are a type of text, that can reveal the nature of the phenomenon within which they are produced, this work focuses on the relationship between migration and detention to investigate perceptions of the discourse on migration and deviance. The volume gathers testimonies from experts in different fields who explore the physical and symbolic spaces of the prison environment, which can potentially provide a plurality of (in)formations that go beyond the perception that public opinion has of migrants, migration, and detained immigrants. The narratives are thus produced and explored from various perspectives (semiotic, linguistic, legal) and include both self-representations and hetero-representations present in different spheres of discourse (e.g., public, institutional, educational contexts, reception centres, the prison itself, etc.) with the aim of deconstructing distorted perceptions and ensuring that the debate regarding migration and deviance would be well-informed.
Keywords Deviance • Representations • Prisoners rights • Mass incarceration • Prison space • Participation • Space • Disadvantage • Skills • European Union • Prison contexts • Pluriculturalism • Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading tr • Educational Linguistics • Language of space • Conditions of Detention • Literacy • Inclusion • Alternative sanctions • Prison graffiti • Prison context • Migration • Action • Detention rates • Prison monitoring • Plurilingualism • Empowerment • Mediation • Cultural and Linguistic Awareness • Educational linguistics • Topological semiotics • Human Rights • Language education • Prison slang • Prison Overcrowding • Vulnerable learners • Inclusive Didactic • Social matters • Semiotics • Superdiversity • Immigration
Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-808-8 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-809-5 | Published July 4, 2024 | Language it
Copyright © 2024 Antonella Benucci, Ginevra Bonari, Viola Monaci, Orlando Paris. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.