1914. Galileo Chini a Venezia
Antonio Fradeletto, in his role as General Secretary of the Biennale, made agreements with Galileo Chini to set up a personal exhibition at Venice Biennale in 1914. In that exhibition he would summarise his newly concluded human and professional experience in Siam, not so much in terms of a celebration of his vast decorative interventions, as in those of his very personal reinterpretation of what had been the perception of a reality that appeared, and was, very far from the imagination of the public of the Venetian event. Alongside this sort of visual summary of that little-known East, Chini had had the opportunity to create the decoration of the International Hall destined to host the works of Ivan Mestrovic, and at that juncture, despite the winds of war were now blowing impetuously over the whole of Europe or perhaps just for that reason, he had proposed a soothing reading, all focused on the themes of Spring.
Keywords: Ivan Mestrovic • Galileo Chini • Biennale di Venezia 1914 • Bangkok • Antonio Fradeletto