Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Digital and Collaborative Tools for Antiquity Studies
Chapter | Biblioteche digitali e specialisti del mondo antico

Biblioteche digitali e specialisti del mondo antico

Collaborazioni nell'ambito dell'indicizzazione e della ricerca semantica


National libraries can play an important role in encouraging the development of digital libraries in classical studies. Reciprocally, the community of classical studies scholars could enhance their collaboration with these libraries to supplement and enrich existing resources. For this purpose, a good starting point would be the subject indexing tool edited by the National Library of Florence: a multidisciplinary Thesaurus whose metadata are available in formats compatible with the semantic web. For many years the Nuovo soggettario terminology has increased thanks to the proposal of experts and researchers in specialised fields. The collaboration between librarians and researchers and the resulting melting pot of their knowledge allow for the construction of tools useful for the common benefit of the next generation of the digital libraries.

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 14, 2017 | Published Nov. 29, 2017 | Language: it

Keywords Nuovo soggettarioNational librariesSemantic webDigital librariesSubject indexingThesauriClassical studies

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